Vacation Rental Cleaning Checklist: A Step-by-Step Guide

Vacation Rental Cleaning Checklist: A Step-by-Step Guide

More than 90% of Americans intended to travel last year, with 30% considering staying in a rental home. With so much competition, it's crucial to have a sparkling-clean rental to keep your guests happy.

Having a clean vacation rental is the first impression that your guests will get when they walk into your property. Whether you have hosted for years or are new to the rental game, property management cleaning is best done when you have a plan.

Are you ready to give your guests the best experience possible? You can do so by using this vacation rental cleaning checklist to keep your rental booked.

Vacation Rental Cleaning Checklist

One of the best Airbnb preparation tips for cleaning is to make sure you have the cleaning products and tools you need to clean the rental. If more than one person is working on the job, create a schedule and assign each person tasks so you can clean with efficiency.

Having a checklist will ensure that every nook and cranny in your rental property gets cleaned. Here are some top guest-ready rental cleaning tips so you can have the cleanest property on the block.

Living Areas

Start by dusting and wiping down every surface in the living areas. Put back any decor that was moved or taken down.

Vacuum any carpeted or wood-floored areas and mop any tile or laminate floors. Finish by cleaning any windows or mirrors in the room.


Wipe down any countertops and cabinets in your kitchen. Clean the appliances using a cleaner designed for the appliance's material.

If there are dishes in the sink, wash them and put them away. Check the dishwasher and empty it of any clean dishes.

Look in the fridge and pantry and discard any expired food items. Sanitize the sinks and faucets. Finish the task by mopping the kitchen floor.


Scrub and then disinfect the toilet, shower, and sink. Clean the mirror and faucet handles.

Wash any towels and replace them with clean ones. Replace any toiletries that were used so your new guests have some to use.


Dust the nightstands, dressers, and other furniture in the room. Vacuum the floors and check under the bed to make sure it is clean. Strip the bed and change the linens to fresh ones.

Outdoor Areas

If there is an outdoor area, clean any furniture there. Sweep the patio and deck so it is free of any leaves or other debris. If there is a grill, clean it and get it ready for your next guests to use.

Clean Rental Properties: The Key to Happy Guests

Once you've finished your vacation rental cleaning checklist, do a final walkthrough to ensure everything is tidy and clean. By spending time on an organized cleaning checklist, you'll have peace of mind that you have a property that guests will be raving about.

If you are looking for a top-notch property management company in the Fort Lauderdale area dedicated to guest satisfaction, PMI Matching Property is here for you. With over 25 years of property management experience, we are here to support both new and seasoned property owners. Contact us today with any questions or to get started with your property management.
